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City Games (Ver 1.1)

A table reminiscent of a government office, covered with revenue stamps, required to legitimize any and every financial transaction, produce a house of cards, a structure so unstable that it cannot withstand the duration of its own making. The work began as an object, turned into a performance and then a  video. 


Key Credits: In collaboration with Amitabh Kumar | Produced at Sarai Media Lab


Technical details: 2010 | single channel | colour | dv pal | 14'07 | looped

City Games 1.JPG
Performance still | Sarai.Exb 10.01, Sarai CSDS 2010. Photo: Gaigongmei Gangmei
City-Games 3_edited.jpg
Installation view: Sarai.Exb 10.01, Sarai CSDS, 2010
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